Saturday, May 18, 2013

Where is the Voice on Budget/Deficit Hearing?

Okay, I really get the accountability of the IRS targeting any group. The NAACP-2004, ACORN-2008, Pro Israel Group-2008, Non-Profit Groups-2011, and the list could go on. I believe the target on the Conservative Group were on the premise that so much unaccounted money was contributed to the Presidential election. I do not remember any congressional hearings before, but I do believe there should be some accountability has I stated. I would like to know how the congress thinks this is really something we want to know. I believe the government can do whatever they want, you just hope and pray it is in our best interest. My real issue is, I would want the congress to have the same tenacity about the deficit and the budget. I would love to see that argument in a public setting and to be able to reach an agreement on the American people’s behalf.